Thursday, April 28, 2011


As I'm sure you all know that the Royal Wedding is this week, and instead of doing a blog on Royal London, which I'm sure is the subject of all travel articles this week, we've decided to suggest a few interesting day trips outside of London that you might fancy on your next trip to jolly ol' England.

1. OXFORD-The City of Dreaming Spires
Located about 60 miles northwest of London, it's most famous for its prestigious university (which also happens to be the oldest university in the English speaking world), I swear just being here made me feel smarter and if time permitted I would've applied at one of Oxford's 36 colleges during my day visit. My first choice: Christ Church College, reason being that I'm a big Harry Potter fan, and I instantly recognized the Great Hall of Hogwart's Castle was the same hall found in Christ Church College, so that was a deal breaker. Oxford offers a number of guided tours, some having specialized themes (inlcuding a Harry Potter themed tour) like children's storybook tours. Did I mention some of the most popular children's books of the 21st century were written here? Does Alice in WonderlandThe Chronicles of Narnia, and The Northern Lights Triolgy (filmed as the Golden Compass) ring a bell? Oxford City itself is a charming place, make sure to take note of their architecture, and shop at the plethora of boutiques for all of your Oxford parafanailia needs. Also, visit the Carfax Tower (for views of the town), the Bodleian Library and the Radcliffe Camera (it's not open to the public unfortunately, but the outside is worth a visit too). If you want to get to Oxford on your own, there are direct train services from London Paddington that leaves approximately every 30 minutes, and takes about 58 minutes to get there.

2. STRATFORD-UPON-AVON-The hometown of William Shakespeare
Stratford-Upon-Avon is Shakespeare's birthplace and home of the Royal Shakespeare Company and Royal Shakespeare Theatre; it lies on the River Avon in the Warwickshire countryside. Even if you don't care too much about poetry or plays, it's still worth a visit. It's as pretty as a postcard, and still gives the vibes of an Olde Medieval England. Full of beautiful parks and gardens, its a perfect place to just take a stroll. It takes about 2 hours and 15 minutes to get to Stratford-Upon Avon by train from London Marylebone Station. Trains leave about every 2 hours. Want to be a little more comfortable? There are several day trip coach buses that run from London's Victoria Coach Station.

3. STONEHENGE-A place of mystery and myths
I'm sure your wondering what's so interesting about some slabs of rocks in what seems to be in-the-middle-of-nowhere-England? Well, even with science and technology this prehistoric ruins are still a mystery today! Of course there's myths, legends and educated guesses on what the actual meaning/purpose of building this monument was but none have been confirmed. Who did this? Why? And how did they move these massive stones? It's even been associated with Merlin and King Arthur; legend has it that Merlin brought the stones from Ireland to serve a burial ground. Others think Stonehenge served as a sacred place of worship, or was as a type of calendar, marking prehistoric events. But you can decide for yourself when you visit these ruins. If you have an extra day to spare in England, you may as well make your way to this UNESCO World Heritage Site. The best way to get to Stonehenge is to take a coach bus that leaves from London's Victoria Coach Station directly to the site. You can also take a train from London Waterloo Station to Salisbury (which is 9.5 miles away from Stonehenge) and take a bus or cab to the site.

Friday, April 22, 2011

WHAT'S IN OUR BAG? And not from TSA's perspective-Cyn and Char's packing list.

So we are in transit A LOT. And every little space in our bag is crucial. On our way back from last summer's trip to the Middle East, we were forced to adhere to luggage weight restrictions (even after offering a few bribes to ticket agents), and throw away some of our keepsakes to make baggage weight. Bummer. A key component to comfortable and efficient traveling is what you're packing in your luggage. Essentials and entertainment are the main themes of this blog. Oh, and style... No one wants to be boring.
So you're on a weekend trip to God-knows-where. How do the modern nomads do it? Check out our packlist.

The top 10 things we won't go on a trip without (regardless of where we're going):

1. Extra Foldable Bag 
For those extra souvenirs you can't quite fit even after you've sat on your suitcase numerous times to make it close. Check in your biggest (and heaviest luggage) and open up our handcarry tote that you packed. We dig Longchamp's medium sized totes that you can fold and slip Into the front part of your roller bag.
2. Neck pillow (aka your best friend)
Since we're often on weekend trips, we NEED our z's in transit to maximize time in the touring city. This helps. Total Pillow is pretty awesome and can be distorted into those weird sleeping positions. And they sell them at Walmart. But if you need to go super compact, go for the inflatable ones.
3. International Converter/Adaptor
Pick the smallest one with the most conversions. I never take mine out of my suitcase, it has it's own little home in the zipper pocket of my carry on rollerbag just in case there is a chance of unexpected international travel and I forget to pack it.
4. Disposable No Toothpaste Toothbrush
Pick one up at the dollar store. Nothing fancy. And if you don't have any more room in your luggage on the way back home, you're able to throw it away. I won't judge if you accidentally forget yours. Its a weekend trip anyway. Colgate wisps are convenient too if there isn't much water around.
5. Passport
International travel or not, we carry our passports everywhere just in case we need to take a detour home.
6. Camera w/extra SD Card
Save the hassle of having to upload while on vacation to make room for more pictures.
7. Tea, Emergen C, Instant Coffee Packets
They're flat, light, and help you save money at Starbucks/giftshops at the airport. Emergen C may shield you from the snotty little kid next to you with a runny nose. Just pour them into your reusable bottle and get some fountain water.
7. Snacks 
Because airport food is expensive and they don't feed you in flight anymore. Pick something quick and easy. Ziplock bag full of WheatThins and a banana. Preferably something from home. Save money!
8. Water bottle (vapur anit-bottle) 
Save room and weight in your luggage and opt for this. It's collapsable and can be flattened.
9. Smart Phone
DUH, if you're in with the current century, you would know this is an essential. Everything is electronic nowadays, including boarding passes and e-ticket receipts. Save yourself the hassle of losing your travel documents to a rain puddle and store backup copies in email and PDF storage on your phone. You can download a million of travel apps for your iPhone to keep you out of trouble at the airport. Our favorite is Kik Messenger which allows you to send texts to other users. Cyn and I communicate this way through wifi and don't spend a dime.
10. First aid kit: with bandaids, bug spray/ anti-itch medication, allergy pills, zyrtec swabs, antibiotics 
This can be tucked away in a $0.99 first aid kit case from target. Its always good to take a preventative measure.
11. iPad 
Best travel accessory ever! Keeps you sane on long flights. Cyn and I use it to plan our next trip...while still on our current trip.
12. Noise Reduction Headphones 
Zero out your neighbor's phone conversations or fellow row-mate's snoring with these. Compact is key, I opt for the earbuds from SkullCandy. But if you're looking for the real deal (and don't mind carrying them) Beats by Dr. Dre has some pretty cool looking ones.
So those are the travel essentials, but how bout the fun stuff? Spring is here, which means prime travel time is around the corner! So to help get your travel gear ready here's some of our favorite sites for your travel needs:
Technology is awesome. Here's our travel gadget wish list for this season: (oh and Christmas is right around the corner...kind of... just sayin')
1. Sony bloggie 3D camera
2. Reef's stash sandals
3. Wind up cell charger
4. National Geographic talk abroad travel phone
5. Ex Officio Buzz Off Insect Shield Clothing
6. Dry pak
7. Turbo charge portable charger
8. iTech virtual keyboard